Risk Management Partners Inc Apps

Juneau Ortega Safety App 1.3
JUNEAU ORTEGA SAFETY APPToday’s busy professional must make valuable use of both oflimited resources and time. In today’s fast paced world it is tooimportant to stay on top of your projects, not to mention theexposure to regulatory interference that is every present at ourwork environments.Let Juneau Ortega Safety Program APP assist you with your busyschedule and reduce your costs and potential regulatory burden, noneed to continue:• Writing reports in the office…• Transferring photos to a computer…• OSHA fines for lack of documentation…• Fuel and time to deliver reports and documents…• Searching for documents and previous reports…• Manually entering reports and data into your serverThe Juneau Ortega Safety App will allow you to use your IPad,IPhone, Droid or Microsoft Device to:Conduct Accident investigations – Complete your accidents formswhile at the job site and upload relevant photos supporting yourfindings. By automatically downloading this to your proprietaryserver your OSHA logs will be generated for you instantly. You canalso trend your accident data to focus on problem areas within yourorganization, or generate reports for senior management.Accident Alerts – You can create your own distribution list sowhen an accident report is submitted by one of your team anywherein the world all persons in your organization will be alerted. Thiscan help site and location teams correct potential issues and avoidregulatory interference before it occurs.Conduct Safety Audits and Assessments – You now can conduct asafety audit or assessment electronically and include photos. Nolonger do you need to go back to your office to finish your reportafter spending the day at your location. Your entire assessment canbe done electronically, include comments to assist those who reviewyour findings. Once again this process is also server based meaningall information will be downloaded to your web portal so you canrun trending reports. Trend your top 10 safety issues, trend safetyperformance of specific job sites or locations, you can even trendreports of your supervisors, superintendents or auditors. Providemanagement with instant trending reports of your team’s safetyperformance.“Branding” / Customization – Customize the APP for youroperation. Once you have purchased the APP you can “Brand” this asyour own. Your logo will appear on the APP and web portal. This isyour safety APP. Can your competition produce a Safety APP? Howimpressed will your customers be when you show them this tool thatis yours?Customize you Client Library – You have full control over yourlibrary, upload documents; MSWord, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, videos,photos, etc. Place your material where it is easy for all to findand access it from anywhere in the world. You will have full accessto all documents from you smart phone or tablet.Cloud Based – Your APP and Webserver are housed in a highsecurity cloud facility located in downtown Atlanta. This facilityguarantees 24/7 access and provides unprecedented security for yourinformation. In addition this server will save you money as itssize is unlimited. No need to spend your hard earned money oninternal configurations that will become obsolete in a couple ofyears and take up valuable space at your facility.Additional Features – You can also issue safety warnings andcitations (including photos) to responsible parties as part of yourcorrective action program. Get email notifications when employeestraining becomes due, in fact 90 days before it is due. This wayyou can avoid lapses which may lead to potential fines andpenalties.Remember, we have free training with a live person to step youthrough this process and help you and your teams becomesuccessful.For more information or to take a tour of our programs go towww.ortegajuneau.com
Juneau Safety App 1.6
JUNEAU SAFETY APPToday’s busy professional must make valuable use of both oflimited resources and time. In today’s fast paced world it is tooimportant to stay on top of your projects, not to mention theexposure to regulatory interference that is every present at ourwork environments.Let Juneau Safety Program APP assist you with your busy scheduleand reduce your costs and potential regulatory burden, no need tocontinue:• Writing reports in the office…• Transferring photos to a computer…• OSHA fines for lack of documentation…• Fuel and time to deliver reports and documents…• Searching for documents and previous reports…• Manually entering reports and data into your serverThe Juneau Safety App will allow you to use your IPad, IPhone,Droid or Microsoft Device to:Conduct Accident investigations – Complete your accidents formswhile at the job site and upload relevant photos supporting yourfindings. By automatically downloading this to your proprietaryserver your OSHA logs will be generated for you instantly. You canalso trend your accident data to focus on problem areas within yourorganization, or generate reports for senior management.Accident Alerts – You can create your own distribution list sowhen an accident report is submitted by one of your team anywherein the world all persons in your organization will be alerted. Thiscan help site and location teams correct potential issues and avoidregulatory interference before it occurs.Conduct Safety Audits and Assessments – You now can conduct asafety audit or assessment electronically and include photos. Nolonger do you need to go back to your office to finish your reportafter spending the day at your location. Your entire assessment canbe done electronically, include comments to assist those who reviewyour findings. Once again this process is also server based meaningall information will be downloaded to your web portal so you canrun trending reports. Trend your top 10 safety issues, trend safetyperformance of specific job sites or locations, you can even trendreports of your supervisors, superintendents or auditors. Providemanagement with instant trending reports of your team’s safetyperformance.“Branding” / Customization – Customize the APP for youroperation. Once you have purchased the APP you can “Brand” this asyour own. Your logo will appear on the APP and web portal. This isyour safety APP. Can your competition produce a Safety APP? Howimpressed will your customers be when you show them this tool thatis yours?Customize you Client Library – You have full control over yourlibrary, upload documents; MSWord, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, videos,photos, etc. Place your material where it is easy for all to findand access it from anywhere in the world. You will have full accessto all documents from you smart phone or tablet.Cloud Based – Your APP and Webserver are housed in a highsecurity cloud facility located in downtown Atlanta. This facilityguarantees 24/7 access and provides unprecedented security for yourinformation. In addition this server will save you money as itssize is unlimited. No need to spend your hard earned money oninternal configurations that will become obsolete in a couple ofyears and take up valuable space at your facility.Additional Features – You can also issue safety warnings andcitations (including photos) to responsible parties as part of yourcorrective action program. Get email notifications when employeestraining becomes due, in fact 90 days before it is due. This wayyou can avoid lapses which may lead to potential fines andpenalties.Remember, we have free training with a live person to step youthrough this process and help you and your teams becomesuccessful.For more information or to take a tour of our programs go towww.juneaucc.com
Reliable Heating & Air 1.1
RELIABLE HEATING & AIR SAFETY APPToday’s busy professional must make valuable use of both oflimited resources and time. In today’s fast paced world it is tooimportant to stay on top of your projects, not to mention theexposure to regulatory interference that is every present at ourwork environments.Let Risk Management Partners (Reliable Heating & Air) SafetyProgram APP assist you with your busy schedule and reduce yourcosts and potential regulatory burden, no need to continue:• Writing reports in the office…• Transferring photos to a computer…• OSHA fines for lack of documentation…• Fuel and time to deliver reports and documents…• Searching for documents and previous reports…• Manually entering reports and data into your serverThe Reliable Heating & Air Safety App will allow you to useyour IPad, IPhone, Droid or Microsoft Device to:Conduct Accident investigations – Complete your accidents formswhile at the job site and upload relevant photos supporting yourfindings. By automatically downloading this to your proprietaryserver your OSHA logs will be generated for you instantly. You canalso trend your accident data to focus on problem areas within yourorganization, or generate reports for senior management.Accident Alerts – You can create your own distribution list sowhen an accident report is submitted by one of your team anywherein the world all persons in your organization will be alerted. Thiscan help site and location teams correct potential issues and avoidregulatory interference before it occurs.Conduct Safety Audits and Assessments – You now can conduct asafety audit or assessment electronically and include photos. Nolonger do you need to go back to your office to finish your reportafter spending the day at your location. Your entire assessment canbe done electronically, include comments to assist those who reviewyour findings. Once again this process is also server based meaningall information will be downloaded to your web portal so you canrun trending reports. Trend your top 10 safety issues, trend safetyperformance of specific job sites or locations, you can even trendreports of your supervisors, superintendents or auditors. Providemanagement with instant trending reports of your team’s safetyperformance.“Branding” / Customization – Customize the APP for youroperation. Once you have purchased the APP you can “Brand” this asyour own. Your logo will appear on the APP and web portal. This isyour safety APP. Can your competition produce a Safety APP? Howimpressed will your customers be when you show them this tool thatis yours?Customize you Client Library – You have full control over yourlibrary, upload documents; MSWord, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, videos,photos, etc. Place your material where it is easy for all to findand access it from anywhere in the world. You will have full accessto all documents from you smart phone or tablet.Cloud Based – Your APP and Webserver are housed in a highsecurity cloud facility located in downtown Atlanta. This facilityguarantees 24/7 access and provides unprecedented security for yourinformation. In addition this server will save you money as itssize is unlimited. No need to spend your hard earned money oninternal configurations that will become obsolete in a couple ofyears and take up valuable space at your facility.Additional Features – You can also issue safety warnings andcitations (including photos) to responsible parties as part of yourcorrective action program. Get email notifications when employeestraining becomes due, in fact 90 days before it is due. This wayyou can avoid lapses which may lead to potential fines andpenalties.Remember, we have free training with a live person to step youthrough this process and help you and your teams becomesuccessful.For more information or to take a tour of our programs go towww.rmpresources.com or contact the office at (770) 232-1977, ext.10, 11 or 18.
Pristine Environments 1.2
PRISTINE ENVIRONMENTS SAFETY APPToday’s busy professional must make valuable use of bothoflimited resources and time. In today’s fast paced world it istooimportant to stay on top of your projects, not to mentiontheexposure to regulatory interference that is every present atourwork environments.Let Pristine Environments Safety Program APP assist you withyourbusy schedule and reduce your costs and potential regulatoryburden,no need to continue:• Writing reports in the office…• Transferring photos to a computer…• OSHA fines for lack of documentation…• Fuel and time to deliver reports and documents…• Searching for documents and previous reports…• Manually entering reports and data into your serverThe Pristine Environments Safety App will allow you to useyouriPad, iPhone, Android or Microsoft Device to:Conduct Accident investigations – Complete your accidentsformswhile at the job site and upload relevant photos supportingyourfindings. By automatically downloading this to yourproprietaryserver your OSHA logs will be generated for youinstantly. You canalso trend your accident data to focus on problemareas within yourorganization, or generate reports for seniormanagement.Accident Alerts – You can create your own distribution list sowhenan accident report is submitted by one of your team anywhere intheworld all persons in your organization will be alerted. Thiscanhelp site and location teams correct potential issues andavoidregulatory interference before it occurs.Conduct Safety Audits and Assessments – You now can conduct asafetyaudit or assessment electronically and include photos. Nolonger doyou need to go back to your office to finish your reportafterspending the day at your location. Your entire assessment canbedone electronically, include comments to assist those whoreviewyour findings. Once again this process is also server basedmeaningall information will be downloaded to your web portal so youcanrun trending reports. Trend your top 10 safety issues, trendsafetyperformance of specific job sites or locations, you can eventrendreports of your supervisors, superintendents or auditors.Providemanagement with instant trending reports of your team’ssafetyperformance.“Branding” / Customization – Customize the APP for youroperation.Once you have purchased the APP you can “Brand” this asyour own.Your logo will appear on the APP and web portal. This isyoursafety APP. Can your competition produce a Safety APP?Howimpressed will your customers be when you show them this toolthatis yours?Customize you Client Library – You have full control overyourlibrary, upload documents; MSWord, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel,videos,photos, etc. Place your material where it is easy for all tofindand access it from anywhere in the world. You will have fullaccessto all documents from you smart phone or tablet.Cloud Based – Your APP and Webserver are housed in a highsecuritycloud facility located in downtown Atlanta. Thisfacilityguarantees 24/7 access and provides unprecedented securityfor yourinformation. In addition this server will save you money asitssize is unlimited. No need to spend your hard earned moneyoninternal configurations that will become obsolete in a coupleofyears and take up valuable space at your facility.Additional Features – You can also issue safety warningsandcitations (including photos) to responsible parties as part ofyourcorrective action program. Get email notifications whenemployeestraining becomes due, in fact 90 days before it is due.This wayyou can avoid lapses which may lead to potential finesandpenalties.Remember, we have free training with a live person to stepyouthrough this process and help you and your teamsbecomesuccessful.
Cosmopolitan of LAS VEGAS 1.0
THE COSMOPOLITAN OF LAS VEGASToday’s busy professional must make valuable use of bothoflimited resources and time. In today’s fast paced world it istooimportant to stay on top of your projects, not to mentiontheexposure to regulatory interference that is every present atourwork environments.Let Cosmopolitan of LAS VEGAS Program APP assist you withyourbusy schedule and reduce your costs and potentialregulatoryburden, no need to continue:• Writing reports in the office…• Transferring photos to a computer…• OSHA fines for lack of documentation…• Fuel and time to deliver reports and documents…• Searching for documents and previous reports…• Manually entering reports and data into your serverThe Cosmopolitan of LAS VEGAS App will allow you to use youriPad,iPhone, Android or Microsoft Device to:Conduct Accident investigations – Complete your accidentsformswhile at the job site and upload relevant photos supportingyourfindings. By automatically downloading this to yourproprietaryserver your OSHA logs will be generated for youinstantly. You canalso trend your accident data to focus on problemareas within yourorganization, or generate reports for seniormanagement.Accident Alerts – You can create your own distribution list sowhenan accident report is submitted by one of your team anywhere intheworld all persons in your organization will be alerted. Thiscanhelp site and location teams correct potential issues andavoidregulatory interference before it occurs.Conduct Safety Audits and Assessments – You now can conduct asafetyaudit or assessment electronically and include photos. Nolonger doyou need to go back to your office to finish your reportafterspending the day at your location. Your entire assessment canbedone electronically, include comments to assist those whoreviewyour findings. Once again this process is also server basedmeaningall information will be downloaded to your web portal so youcanrun trending reports. Trend your top 10 safety issues, trendsafetyperformance of specific job sites or locations, you can eventrendreports of your supervisors, superintendents or auditors.Providemanagement with instant trending reports of your team’ssafetyperformance.“Branding” / Customization – Customize the APP for youroperation.Once you have purchased the APP you can “Brand” this asyour own.Your logo will appear on the APP and web portal. This isyoursafety APP. Can your competition produce a Safety APP?Howimpressed will your customers be when you show them this toolthatis yours?Customize you Client Library – You have full control overyourlibrary, upload documents; MSWord, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel,videos,photos, etc. Place your material where it is easy for all tofindand access it from anywhere in the world. You will have fullaccessto all documents from you smart phone or tablet.Cloud Based – Your APP and Webserver are housed in a highsecuritycloud facility located in downtown Atlanta. Thisfacilityguarantees 24/7 access and provides unprecedented securityfor yourinformation. In addition this server will save you money asitssize is unlimited. No need to spend your hard earned moneyoninternal configurations that will become obsolete in a coupleofyears and take up valuable space at your facility.Additional Features – You can also issue safety warningsandcitations (including photos) to responsible parties as part ofyourcorrective action program. Get email notifications whenemployeestraining becomes due, in fact 90 days before it is due.This wayyou can avoid lapses which may lead to potential finesandpenalties.Remember, we have free training with a live person to stepyouthrough this process and help you and your teamsbecomesuccessful.
Classic Concrete Safety APP 1.3
CLASSIC CONCRETE SAFETY APPToday’s busy professional must make valuable use of bothoflimited resources and time. In today’s fast paced world it istooimportant to stay on top of your projects, not to mentiontheexposure to regulatory interference that is every present atourwork environments.Let Classic Concrete Safety Program APP assist you with yourbusyschedule and reduce your costs and potential regulatoryburden, noneed to continue:• Writing reports in the office…• Transferring photos to a computer…• OSHA fines for lack of documentation…• Fuel and time to deliver reports and documents…• Searching for documents and previous reports…• Manually entering reports and data into your serverThe Classic Concrete Safety App will allow you to use yourAndroidor Microsoft Device to:Conduct Accident investigations – Complete your accidentsformswhile at the job site and upload relevant photos supportingyourfindings. By automatically downloading this to yourproprietaryserver your OSHA logs will be generated for youinstantly. You canalso trend your accident data to focus on problemareas within yourorganization, or generate reports for seniormanagement.Accident Alerts – You can create your own distribution list sowhenan accident report is submitted by one of your team anywhere intheworld all persons in your organization will be alerted. Thiscanhelp site and location teams correct potential issues andavoidregulatory interference before it occurs.Conduct Safety Audits and Assessments – You now can conduct asafetyaudit or assessment electronically and include photos. Nolonger doyou need to go back to your office to finish your reportafterspending the day at your location. Your entire assessment canbedone electronically, include comments to assist those whoreviewyour findings. Once again this process is also server basedmeaningall information will be downloaded to your web portal so youcanrun trending reports. Trend your top 10 safety issues, trendsafetyperformance of specific job sites or locations, you can eventrendreports of your supervisors, superintendents or auditors.Providemanagement with instant trending reports of your team’ssafetyperformance.“Branding” / Customization – Customize the APP for youroperation.Once you have purchased the APP you can “Brand” this asyour own.Your logo will appear on the APP and web portal. This isyoursafety APP. Can your competition produce a Safety APP?Howimpressed will your customers be when you show them this toolthatis yours?Customize you Client Library – You have full control overyourlibrary, upload documents; MSWord, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel,videos,photos, etc. Place your material where it is easy for all tofindand access it from anywhere in the world. You will have fullaccessto all documents from you smart phone or tablet.Cloud Based – Your APP and Webserver are housed in a highsecuritycloud facility located in downtown Atlanta. Thisfacilityguarantees 24/7 access and provides unprecedented securityfor yourinformation. In addition this server will save you money asitssize is unlimited. No need to spend your hard earned moneyoninternal configurations that will become obsolete in a coupleofyears and take up valuable space at your facility.Additional Features – You can also issue safety warningsandcitations (including photos) to responsible parties as part ofyourcorrective action program. Get email notifications whenemployeestraining becomes due, in fact 90 days before it is due.This wayyou can avoid lapses which may lead to potential finesandpenalties.Remember, we have free training with a live person to stepyouthrough this process and help you and your teamsbecomesuccessful.
Southern Food Management 1.2
SOUTHERN FOOD MANAGEMENT SAFETY APPToday’s busy professional must make valuable use of bothoflimited resources and time. In today’s fast paced world it istooimportant to stay on top of your projects, not to mentiontheexposure to regulatory interference that is every present atourwork environments.Let Southern Food Management Safety Program APP assist youwithyour busy schedule and reduce your costs and potentialregulatoryburden, no need to continue:• Writing reports in the office…• Transferring photos to a computer…• OSHA fines for lack of documentation…• Fuel and time to deliver reports and documents…• Searching for documents and previous reports…• Manually entering reports and data into your serverThe Southern Food Management Safety App will allow you to useyouriPad, iPhone, Android or Microsoft Device to:Conduct Accident investigations – Complete your accidentsformswhile at the job site and upload relevant photos supportingyourfindings. By automatically downloading this to yourproprietaryserver your OSHA logs will be generated for youinstantly. You canalso trend your accident data to focus on problemareas within yourorganization, or generate reports for seniormanagement.Accident Alerts – You can create your own distribution list sowhenan accident report is submitted by one of your team anywhere intheworld all persons in your organization will be alerted. Thiscanhelp site and location teams correct potential issues andavoidregulatory interference before it occurs.Conduct Safety Audits and Assessments – You now can conduct asafetyaudit or assessment electronically and include photos. Nolonger doyou need to go back to your office to finish your reportafterspending the day at your location. Your entire assessment canbedone electronically, include comments to assist those whoreviewyour findings. Once again this process is also server basedmeaningall information will be downloaded to your web portal so youcanrun trending reports. Trend your top 10 safety issues, trendsafetyperformance of specific job sites or locations, you can eventrendreports of your supervisors, superintendents or auditors.Providemanagement with instant trending reports of your team’ssafetyperformance.“Branding” / Customization – Customize the APP for youroperation.Once you have purchased the APP you can “Brand” this asyour own.Your logo will appear on the APP and web portal. This isyoursafety APP. Can your competition produce a Safety APP?Howimpressed will your customers be when you show them this toolthatis yours?Customize you Client Library – You have full control overyourlibrary, upload documents; MSWord, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel,videos,photos, etc. Place your material where it is easy for all tofindand access it from anywhere in the world. You will have fullaccessto all documents from you smart phone or tablet.Cloud Based – Your APP and Webserver are housed in a highsecuritycloud facility located in downtown Atlanta. Thisfacilityguarantees 24/7 access and provides unprecedented securityfor yourinformation. In addition this server will save you money asitssize is unlimited. No need to spend your hard earned moneyoninternal configurations that will become obsolete in a coupleofyears and take up valuable space at your facility.Additional Features – You can also issue safety warningsandcitations (including photos) to responsible parties as part ofyourcorrective action program. Get email notifications whenemployeestraining becomes due, in fact 90 days before it is due.This wayyou can avoid lapses which may lead to potential finesandpenalties.Remember, we have free training with a live person to stepyouthrough this process and help you and your teamsbecomesuccessful.
The Beam Team Hallway Group 1.0
THE BEAM TEAM HALLWAY GROUPToday’s busy professional must make valuable use of bothoflimited resources and time. In today’s fast paced world it istooimportant to stay on top of your projects, not to mentiontheexposure to regulatory interference that is every present atourwork environments.Let Beam Team Hallway Group Safety Program APP assist youwithyour busy schedule and reduce your costs and potentialregulatoryburden, no need to continue:• Writing reports in the office…• Transferring photos to a computer…• OSHA fines for lack of documentation…• Fuel and time to deliver reports and documents…• Searching for documents and previous reports…• Manually entering reports and data into your serverThe Beam Team Hallway Group Safety App will allow you to useyouriPad, iPhone, Android or Microsoft Device to:Conduct Accident investigations – Complete your accidentsformswhile at the job site and upload relevant photos supportingyourfindings. By automatically downloading this to yourproprietaryserver your OSHA logs will be generated for youinstantly. You canalso trend your accident data to focus on problemareas within yourorganization, or generate reports for seniormanagement.Accident Alerts – You can create your own distribution list sowhenan accident report is submitted by one of your team anywhere intheworld all persons in your organization will be alerted. Thiscanhelp site and location teams correct potential issues andavoidregulatory interference before it occurs.Conduct Safety Audits and Assessments – You now can conduct asafetyaudit or assessment electronically and include photos. Nolonger doyou need to go back to your office to finish your reportafterspending the day at your location. Your entire assessment canbedone electronically, include comments to assist those whoreviewyour findings. Once again this process is also server basedmeaningall information will be downloaded to your web portal so youcanrun trending reports. Trend your top 10 safety issues, trendsafetyperformance of specific job sites or locations, you can eventrendreports of your supervisors, superintendents or auditors.Providemanagement with instant trending reports of your team’ssafetyperformance.“Branding” / Customization – Customize the APP for youroperation.Once you have purchased the APP you can “Brand” this asyour own.Your logo will appear on the APP and web portal. This isyoursafety APP. Can your competition produce a Safety APP?Howimpressed will your customers be when you show them this toolthatis yours?Customize you Client Library – You have full control overyourlibrary, upload documents; MSWord, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel,videos,photos, etc. Place your material where it is easy for all tofindand access it from anywhere in the world. You will have fullaccessto all documents from you smart phone or tablet.Cloud Based – Your APP and Webserver are housed in a highsecuritycloud facility located in downtown Atlanta. Thisfacilityguarantees 24/7 access and provides unprecedented securityfor yourinformation. In addition this server will save you money asitssize is unlimited. No need to spend your hard earned moneyoninternal configurations that will become obsolete in a coupleofyears and take up valuable space at your facility.Additional Features – You can also issue safety warningsandcitations (including photos) to responsible parties as part ofyourcorrective action program. Get email notifications whenemployeestraining becomes due, in fact 90 days before it is due.This wayyou can avoid lapses which may lead to potential finesandpenalties.Remember, we have free training with a live person to stepyouthrough this process and help you and your teamsbecomesuccessful.
South Coast Commercial, LLC 1.1
South Coast Commercial, LLCToday’s busy professional must make valuable use of both oflimited resources and time. In today’s fast paced world it is tooimportant to stay on top of your projects, not to mention theexposure to regulatory interference that is every present at ourwork environments.Let South Coast Commercial, LLC Safety Program APP assist youwith your busy schedule and reduce your costs and potentialregulatory burden, no need to continue:• Writing reports in the office…• Transferring photos to a computer…• OSHA fines for lack of documentation…• Fuel and time to deliver reports and documents…• Searching for documents and previous reports…• Manually entering reports and data into your serverThe South Coast Commercial, LLC Safety App will allow you to useyour IPad, IPhone, Droid or Microsoft Device to:Conduct Accident investigations – Complete your accidents formswhile at the job site and upload relevant photos supporting yourfindings. By automatically downloading this to your proprietaryserver your OSHA logs will be generated for you instantly. You canalso trend your accident data to focus on problem areas within yourorganization, or generate reports for senior management.Accident Alerts – You can create your own distribution list sowhen an accident report is submitted by one of your team anywherein the world all persons in your organization will be alerted. Thiscan help site and location teams correct potential issues and avoidregulatory interference before it occurs.Conduct Safety Audits and Assessments – You now can conduct asafety audit or assessment electronically and include photos. Nolonger do you need to go back to your office to finish your reportafter spending the day at your location. Your entire assessment canbe done electronically, include comments to assist those who reviewyour findings. Once again this process is also server based meaningall information will be downloaded to your web portal so you canrun trending reports. Trend your top 10 safety issues, trend safetyperformance of specific job sites or locations, you can even trendreports of your supervisors, superintendents or auditors. Providemanagement with instant trending reports of your team’s safetyperformance.“Branding” / Customization – Customize the APP for youroperation. Once you have purchased the APP you can “Brand” this asyour own. Your logo will appear on the APP and web portal. This isyour safety APP. Can your competition produce a Safety APP? Howimpressed will your customers be when you show them this tool thatis yours?Customize you Client Library – You have full control over yourlibrary, upload documents; MSWord, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, videos,photos, etc. Place your material where it is easy for all to findand access it from anywhere in the world. You will have full accessto all documents from you smart phone or tablet.Cloud Based – Your APP and Webserver are housed in a highsecurity cloud facility located in downtown Atlanta. This facilityguarantees 24/7 access and provides unprecedented security for yourinformation. In addition this server will save you money as itssize is unlimited. No need to spend your hard earned money oninternal configurations that will become obsolete in a couple ofyears and take up valuable space at your facility.Additional Features – You can also issue safety warnings andcitations (including photos) to responsible parties as part of yourcorrective action program. Get email notifications when employeestraining becomes due, in fact 90 days before it is due. This wayyou can avoid lapses which may lead to potential fines andpenalties.Remember, we have free training with a live person to step youthrough this process and help you and your teams becomesuccessful.For more information or to take a tour of our programs go towww.rmpresources.com or contact the office at (770) 232-1977, ext.10, 11 or 18.
Deshazo 1.1
DESHAZO SAFETY APPToday’s busy professional must make valuable use of bothoflimited resources and time. In today’s fast paced world it istooimportant to stay on top of your projects, not to mentiontheexposure to regulatory interference that is every present atourwork environments.Let Risk Management Partners (Deshazo) Safety Program APPassistyou with your busy schedule and reduce your costs andpotentialregulatory burden, no need to continue:• Writing reports in the office…• Transferring photos to a computer…• OSHA fines for lack of documentation…• Fuel and time to deliver reports and documents…• Searching for documents and previous reports…• Manually entering reports and data into your serverThe Deshazo Safety App will allow you to use your IPad,IPhone,Droid or Microsoft Device to:Conduct Accident investigations – Complete your accidentsformswhile at the job site and upload relevant photos supportingyourfindings. By automatically downloading this to yourproprietaryserver your OSHA logs will be generated for youinstantly. You canalso trend your accident data to focus on problemareas within yourorganization, or generate reports for seniormanagement.Accident Alerts – You can create your own distribution listsowhen an accident report is submitted by one of your teamanywherein the world all persons in your organization will bealerted. Thiscan help site and location teams correct potentialissues and avoidregulatory interference before it occurs.Conduct Safety Audits and Assessments – You now can conductasafety audit or assessment electronically and include photos.Nolonger do you need to go back to your office to finish yourreportafter spending the day at your location. Your entireassessment canbe done electronically, include comments to assistthose who reviewyour findings. Once again this process is alsoserver based meaningall information will be downloaded to your webportal so you canrun trending reports. Trend your top 10 safetyissues, trend safetyperformance of specific job sites or locations,you can even trendreports of your supervisors, superintendents orauditors. Providemanagement with instant trending reports of yourteam’s safetyperformance.“Branding” / Customization – Customize the APP foryouroperation. Once you have purchased the APP you can “Brand” thisasyour own. Your logo will appear on the APP and web portal. Thisisyour safety APP. Can your competition produce a Safety APP?Howimpressed will your customers be when you show them this toolthatis yours?Customize you Client Library – You have full control overyourlibrary, upload documents; MSWord, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel,videos,photos, etc. Place your material where it is easy for all tofindand access it from anywhere in the world. You will have fullaccessto all documents from you smart phone or tablet.Cloud Based – Your APP and Webserver are housed in ahighsecurity cloud facility located in downtown Atlanta. Thisfacilityguarantees 24/7 access and provides unprecedented securityfor yourinformation. In addition this server will save you money asitssize is unlimited. No need to spend your hard earned moneyoninternal configurations that will become obsolete in a coupleofyears and take up valuable space at your facility.Additional Features – You can also issue safety warningsandcitations (including photos) to responsible parties as part ofyourcorrective action program. Get email notifications whenemployeestraining becomes due, in fact 90 days before it is due.This wayyou can avoid lapses which may lead to potential finesandpenalties.Remember, we have free training with a live person to stepyouthrough this process and help you and your teamsbecomesuccessful.For more information or to take a tour of our programs gotowww.rmpresources.com or contact the office at (770) 232-1977,ext.10, 11 or 18.
New South Construction 1.0
New South ConstructionToday’s busy professional must make valuable use of bothoflimited resources and time. In today’s fast paced world it istooimportant to stay on top of your projects, not to mentiontheexposure to regulatory interference that is every present atourwork environments.Let New South Construction Safety Program APP assist youwithyour busy schedule and reduce your costs and potentialregulatoryburden, no need to continue:• Writing reports in the office…• Transferring photos to a computer…• OSHA fines for lack of documentation…• Fuel and time to deliver reports and documents…• Searching for documents and previous reports…• Manually entering reports and data into your serverThe New South Construction Safety App will allow you to useyourIPad, IPhone, Droid or Microsoft Device to:Conduct Accident investigations – Complete your accidentsformswhile at the job site and upload relevant photos supportingyourfindings. By automatically downloading this to yourproprietaryserver your OSHA logs will be generated for youinstantly. You canalso trend your accident data to focus on problemareas within yourorganization, or generate reports for seniormanagement.Accident Alerts – You can create your own distribution listsowhen an accident report is submitted by one of your teamanywherein the world all persons in your organization will bealerted. Thiscan help site and location teams correct potentialissues and avoidregulatory interference before it occurs.Conduct Safety Audits and Assessments – You now can conductasafety audit or assessment electronically and include photos.Nolonger do you need to go back to your office to finish yourreportafter spending the day at your location. Your entireassessment canbe done electronically, include comments to assistthose who reviewyour findings. Once again this process is alsoserver based meaningall information will be downloaded to your webportal so you canrun trending reports. Trend your top 10 safetyissues, trend safetyperformance of specific job sites or locations,you can even trendreports of your supervisors, superintendents orauditors. Providemanagement with instant trending reports of yourteam’s safetyperformance.“Branding” / Customization – Customize the APP foryouroperation. Once you have purchased the APP you can “Brand” thisasyour own. Your logo will appear on the APP and web portal. Thisisyour safety APP. Can your competition produce a Safety APP?Howimpressed will your customers be when you show them this toolthatis yours?Customize you Client Library – You have full control overyourlibrary, upload documents; MSWord, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel,videos,photos, etc. Place your material where it is easy for all tofindand access it from anywhere in the world. You will have fullaccessto all documents from you smart phone or tablet.Cloud Based – Your APP and Webserver are housed in ahighsecurity cloud facility located in downtown Atlanta. Thisfacilityguarantees 24/7 access and provides unprecedented securityfor yourinformation. In addition this server will save you money asitssize is unlimited. No need to spend your hard earned moneyoninternal configurations that will become obsolete in a coupleofyears and take up valuable space at your facility.Additional Features – You can also issue safety warningsandcitations (including photos) to responsible parties as part ofyourcorrective action program. Get email notifications whenemployeestraining becomes due, in fact 90 days before it is due.This wayyou can avoid lapses which may lead to potential finesandpenalties.Remember, we have free training with a live person to stepyouthrough this process and help you and your teamsbecomesuccessful.For more information or to take a tour of our programs gotowww.rmpresources.com or contact the office at (770) 232-1977,ext.10, 11 or 18.
JLB Safety APP 1.3
JLB SAFETY APPToday’s busy professional must make valuable use of bothoflimited resources and time. In today’s fast paced world it istooimportant to stay on top of your projects, not to mentiontheexposure to regulatory interference that is every present atourwork environments.Let JLB Safety Program APP assist you with your busy scheduleandreduce your costs and potential regulatory burden, no needtocontinue:• Writing reports in the office…• Transferring photos to a computer…• OSHA fines for lack of documentation…• Fuel and time to deliver reports and documents…• Searching for documents and previous reports…• Manually entering reports and data into your serverThe JLB Safety App will allow you to use your iPad, iPhone,Androidor Microsoft Device to:Conduct Accident investigations – Complete your accidentsformswhile at the job site and upload relevant photos supportingyourfindings. By automatically downloading this to yourproprietaryserver your OSHA logs will be generated for youinstantly. You canalso trend your accident data to focus on problemareas within yourorganization, or generate reports for seniormanagement.Accident Alerts – You can create your own distribution list sowhenan accident report is submitted by one of your team anywhere intheworld all persons in your organization will be alerted. Thiscanhelp site and location teams correct potential issues andavoidregulatory interference before it occurs.Conduct Safety Audits and Assessments – You now can conduct asafetyaudit or assessment electronically and include photos. Nolonger doyou need to go back to your office to finish your reportafterspending the day at your location. Your entire assessment canbedone electronically, include comments to assist those whoreviewyour findings. Once again this process is also server basedmeaningall information will be downloaded to your web portal so youcanrun trending reports. Trend your top 10 safety issues, trendsafetyperformance of specific job sites or locations, you can eventrendreports of your supervisors, superintendents or auditors.Providemanagement with instant trending reports of your team’ssafetyperformance.“Branding” / Customization – Customize the APP for youroperation.Once you have purchased the APP you can “Brand” this asyour own.Your logo will appear on the APP and web portal. This isyoursafety APP. Can your competition produce a Safety APP?Howimpressed will your customers be when you show them this toolthatis yours?Customize you Client Library – You have full control overyourlibrary, upload documents; MSWord, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel,videos,photos, etc. Place your material where it is easy for all tofindand access it from anywhere in the world. You will have fullaccessto all documents from you smart phone or tablet.Cloud Based – Your APP and Webserver are housed in a highsecuritycloud facility located in downtown Atlanta. Thisfacilityguarantees 24/7 access and provides unprecedented securityfor yourinformation. In addition this server will save you money asitssize is unlimited. No need to spend your hard earned moneyoninternal configurations that will become obsolete in a coupleofyears and take up valuable space at your facility.Additional Features – You can also issue safety warningsandcitations (including photos) to responsible parties as part ofyourcorrective action program. Get email notifications whenemployeestraining becomes due, in fact 90 days before it is due.This wayyou can avoid lapses which may lead to potential finesandpenalties.Remember, we have free training with a live person to stepyouthrough this process and help you and your teamsbecomesuccessful.
JM Wilkerson Safety App 1.4
JM WILKERSON SAFETY APPToday’s busy professional must make valuable use of bothoflimited resources and time. In today’s fast paced world it istooimportant to stay on top of your projects, not to mentiontheexposure to regulatory interference that is every present atourwork environments.Let JM Wilkerson Safety Program APP assist you with yourbusyschedule and reduce your costs and potential regulatory burden,noneed to continue:• Writing reports in the office…• Transferring photos to a computer…• OSHA fines for lack of documentation…• Fuel and time to deliver reports and documents…• Searching for documents and previous reports…• Manually entering reports and data into your serverThe JM Wilkerson Safety App will allow you to use yourIPad,IPhone, Droid or Microsoft Device to:Conduct Accident investigations – Complete your accidentsformswhile at the job site and upload relevant photos supportingyourfindings. By automatically downloading this to yourproprietaryserver your OSHA logs will be generated for youinstantly. You canalso trend your accident data to focus on problemareas within yourorganization, or generate reports for seniormanagement.Accident Alerts – You can create your own distribution listsowhen an accident report is submitted by one of your teamanywherein the world all persons in your organization will bealerted. Thiscan help site and location teams correct potentialissues and avoidregulatory interference before it occurs.Conduct Safety Audits and Assessments – You now can conductasafety audit or assessment electronically and include photos.Nolonger do you need to go back to your office to finish yourreportafter spending the day at your location. Your entireassessment canbe done electronically, include comments to assistthose who reviewyour findings. Once again this process is alsoserver based meaningall information will be downloaded to your webportal so you canrun trending reports. Trend your top 10 safetyissues, trend safetyperformance of specific job sites or locations,you can even trendreports of your supervisors, superintendents orauditors. Providemanagement with instant trending reports of yourteam’s safetyperformance.“Branding” / Customization – Customize the APP foryouroperation. Once you have purchased the APP you can “Brand” thisasyour own. Your logo will appear on the APP and web portal. Thisisyour safety APP. Can your competition produce a Safety APP?Howimpressed will your customers be when you show them this toolthatis yours?Customize you Client Library – You have full control overyourlibrary, upload documents; MSWord, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel,videos,photos, etc. Place your material where it is easy for all tofindand access it from anywhere in the world. You will have fullaccessto all documents from you smart phone or tablet.Cloud Based – Your APP and Webserver are housed in ahighsecurity cloud facility located in downtown Atlanta. Thisfacilityguarantees 24/7 access and provides unprecedented securityfor yourinformation. In addition this server will save you money asitssize is unlimited. No need to spend your hard earned moneyoninternal configurations that will become obsolete in a coupleofyears and take up valuable space at your facility.Additional Features – You can also issue safety warningsandcitations (including photos) to responsible parties as part ofyourcorrective action program. Get email notifications whenemployeestraining becomes due, in fact 90 days before it is due.This wayyou can avoid lapses which may lead to potential finesandpenalties.Remember, we have free training with a live person to stepyouthrough this process and help you and your teamsbecomesuccessful.For more information or to take a tour of our programs gotowww.jmwilkerson.com
Gibbs Landscape Company 1.2
GIBBS LANDSCAPE COMPANY SAFETY APPToday’s busy professional must make valuable use of bothoflimited resources and time. In today’s fast paced world it istooimportant to stay on top of your projects, not to mentiontheexposure to regulatory interference that is every present atourwork environments.Let Gibbs Landscape Company Safety Program APP assist youwithyour busy schedule and reduce your costs and potentialregulatoryburden, no need to continue:• Writing reports in the office…• Transferring photos to a computer…• OSHA fines for lack of documentation…• Fuel and time to deliver reports and documents…• Searching for documents and previous reports…• Manually entering reports and data into your serverThe Gibbs Landscape Company Safety App will allow you to useyouriPad, iPhone, Android or Microsoft Device to:Conduct Accident investigations – Complete your accidentsformswhile at the job site and upload relevant photos supportingyourfindings. By automatically downloading this to yourproprietaryserver your OSHA logs will be generated for youinstantly. You canalso trend your accident data to focus on problemareas within yourorganization, or generate reports for seniormanagement.Accident Alerts – You can create your own distribution list sowhenan accident report is submitted by one of your team anywhere intheworld all persons in your organization will be alerted. Thiscanhelp site and location teams correct potential issues andavoidregulatory interference before it occurs.Conduct Safety Audits and Assessments – You now can conduct asafetyaudit or assessment electronically and include photos. Nolonger doyou need to go back to your office to finish your reportafterspending the day at your location. Your entire assessment canbedone electronically, include comments to assist those whoreviewyour findings. Once again this process is also server basedmeaningall information will be downloaded to your web portal so youcanrun trending reports. Trend your top 10 safety issues, trendsafetyperformance of specific job sites or locations, you can eventrendreports of your supervisors, superintendents or auditors.Providemanagement with instant trending reports of your team’ssafetyperformance.“Branding” / Customization – Customize the APP for youroperation.Once you have purchased the APP you can “Brand” this asyour own.Your logo will appear on the APP and web portal. This isyoursafety APP. Can your competition produce a Safety APP?Howimpressed will your customers be when you show them this toolthatis yours?Customize you Client Library – You have full control overyourlibrary, upload documents; MSWord, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel,videos,photos, etc. Place your material where it is easy for all tofindand access it from anywhere in the world. You will have fullaccessto all documents from you smart phone or tablet.Cloud Based – Your APP and Webserver are housed in a highsecuritycloud facility located in downtown Atlanta. Thisfacilityguarantees 24/7 access and provides unprecedented securityfor yourinformation. In addition this server will save you money asitssize is unlimited. No need to spend your hard earned moneyoninternal configurations that will become obsolete in a coupleofyears and take up valuable space at your facility.Additional Features – You can also issue safety warningsandcitations (including photos) to responsible parties as part ofyourcorrective action program. Get email notifications whenemployeestraining becomes due, in fact 90 days before it is due.This wayyou can avoid lapses which may lead to potential finesandpenalties.Remember, we have free training with a live person to stepyouthrough this process and help you and your teamsbecomesuccessful.
Sunshine Mills Safety App 1.1
SUNSHINE MILLS SAFETY APPToday’s busy professional must make valuable use of bothoflimited resources and time. In today’s fast paced world it istooimportant to stay on top of your projects, not to mentiontheexposure to regulatory interference that is every present atourwork environments.Let Sunshine Mills Safety Program APP assist you with yourbusyschedule and reduce your costs and potential regulatory burden,noneed to continue:• Writing reports in the office…• Transferring photos to a computer…• OSHA fines for lack of documentation…• Fuel and time to deliver reports and documents…• Searching for documents and previous reports…• Manually entering reports and data into your serverThe Sunshine Mills Safety App will allow you to use youriPad,iPhone, Android or Microsoft Device to:Conduct Accident investigations – Complete your accidentsformswhile at the job site and upload relevant photos supportingyourfindings. By automatically downloading this to yourproprietaryserver your OSHA logs will be generated for youinstantly. You canalso trend your accident data to focus on problemareas within yourorganization, or generate reports for seniormanagement.Accident Alerts – You can create your own distribution list sowhenan accident report is submitted by one of your team anywhere intheworld all persons in your organization will be alerted. Thiscanhelp site and location teams correct potential issues andavoidregulatory interference before it occurs.Conduct Safety Audits and Assessments – You now can conduct asafetyaudit or assessment electronically and include photos. Nolonger doyou need to go back to your office to finish your reportafterspending the day at your location. Your entire assessment canbedone electronically, include comments to assist those whoreviewyour findings. Once again this process is also server basedmeaningall information will be downloaded to your web portal so youcanrun trending reports. Trend your top 10 safety issues, trendsafetyperformance of specific job sites or locations, you can eventrendreports of your supervisors, superintendents or auditors.Providemanagement with instant trending reports of your team’ssafetyperformance.“Branding” / Customization – Customize the APP for youroperation.Once you have purchased the APP you can “Brand” this asyour own.Your logo will appear on the APP and web portal. This isyoursafety APP. Can your competition produce a Safety APP?Howimpressed will your customers be when you show them this toolthatis yours?Customize you Client Library – You have full control overyourlibrary, upload documents; MSWord, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel,videos,photos, etc. Place your material where it is easy for all tofindand access it from anywhere in the world. You will have fullaccessto all documents from you smart phone or tablet.Cloud Based – Your APP and Webserver are housed in a highsecuritycloud facility located in downtown Atlanta. Thisfacilityguarantees 24/7 access and provides unprecedented securityfor yourinformation. In addition this server will save you money asitssize is unlimited. No need to spend your hard earned moneyoninternal configurations that will become obsolete in a coupleofyears and take up valuable space at your facility.Additional Features – You can also issue safety warningsandcitations (including photos) to responsible parties as part ofyourcorrective action program. Get email notifications whenemployeestraining becomes due, in fact 90 days before it is due.This wayyou can avoid lapses which may lead to potential finesandpenalties.Remember, we have free training with a live person to stepyouthrough this process and help you and your teamsbecomesuccessful.
Atlanta Flooring Safety App 1.4
ATLANTA FLOORING SAFETY APPToday’s busy professional must make valuable use of bothoflimited resources and time. In today’s fast paced world it istooimportant to stay on top of your projects, not to mentiontheexposure to regulatory interference that is every present atourwork environments.Let Atlanta Flooring Safety Program APP assist you with yourbusyschedule and reduce your costs and potential regulatoryburden, noneed to continue:• Writing reports in the office…• Transferring photos to a computer…• OSHA fines for lack of documentation…• Fuel and time to deliver reports and documents…• Searching for documents and previous reports…• Manually entering reports and data into your serverThe Atlanta flooring Safety App will allow you to use youriPad,iPhone, Android or Microsoft Device to:Conduct Accident investigations – Complete your accidentsformswhile at the job site and upload relevant photos supportingyourfindings. By automatically downloading this to yourproprietaryserver your OSHA logs will be generated for youinstantly. You canalso trend your accident data to focus on problemareas within yourorganization, or generate reports for seniormanagement.Accident Alerts – You can create your own distribution list sowhenan accident report is submitted by one of your team anywhere intheworld all persons in your organization will be alerted. Thiscanhelp site and location teams correct potential issues andavoidregulatory interference before it occurs.Conduct Safety Audits and Assessments – You now can conduct asafetyaudit or assessment electronically and include photos. Nolonger doyou need to go back to your office to finish your reportafterspending the day at your location. Your entire assessment canbedone electronically, include comments to assist those whoreviewyour findings. Once again this process is also server basedmeaningall information will be downloaded to your web portal so youcanrun trending reports. Trend your top 10 safety issues, trendsafetyperformance of specific job sites or locations, you can eventrendreports of your supervisors, superintendents or auditors.Providemanagement with instant trending reports of your team’ssafetyperformance.“Branding” / Customization – Customize the APP for youroperation.Once you have purchased the APP you can “Brand” this asyour own.Your logo will appear on the APP and web portal. This isyoursafety APP. Can your competition produce a Safety APP?Howimpressed will your customers be when you show them this toolthatis yours?Customize you Client Library – You have full control overyourlibrary, upload documents; MSWord, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel,videos,photos, etc. Place your material where it is easy for all tofindand access it from anywhere in the world. You will have fullaccessto all documents from you smart phone or tablet.Cloud Based – Your APP and Webserver are housed in a highsecuritycloud facility located in downtown Atlanta. Thisfacilityguarantees 24/7 access and provides unprecedented securityfor yourinformation. In addition this server will save you money asitssize is unlimited. No need to spend your hard earned moneyoninternal configurations that will become obsolete in a coupleofyears and take up valuable space at your facility.Additional Features – You can also issue safety warningsandcitations (including photos) to responsible parties as part ofyourcorrective action program. Get email notifications whenemployeestraining becomes due, in fact 90 days before it is due.This wayyou can avoid lapses which may lead to potential finesandpenalties.Remember, we have free training with a live person to stepyouthrough this process and help you and your teamsbecomesuccessful.
Primus Safety APP 1.4
PRIMUS SAFETY APPToday’s busy professional must make valuable use of bothoflimited resources and time. In today’s fast paced world it istooimportant to stay on top of your projects, not to mentiontheexposure to regulatory interference that is every present atourwork environments.Let Primus Safety Program APP assist you with your busyscheduleand reduce your costs and potential regulatory burden, noneed tocontinue:• Writing reports in the office…• Transferring photos to a computer…• OSHA fines for lack of documentation…• Fuel and time to deliver reports and documents…• Searching for documents and previous reports…• Manually entering reports and data into your serverThe Primus Safety App will allow you to use your iPad,iPhone,Android or Microsoft Device to:Conduct Accident investigations – Complete your accidentsformswhile at the job site and upload relevant photos supportingyourfindings. By automatically downloading this to yourproprietaryserver your OSHA logs will be generated for youinstantly. You canalso trend your accident data to focus on problemareas within yourorganization, or generate reports for seniormanagement.Accident Alerts – You can create your own distribution list sowhenan accident report is submitted by one of your team anywhere intheworld all persons in your organization will be alerted. Thiscanhelp site and location teams correct potential issues andavoidregulatory interference before it occurs.Conduct Safety Audits and Assessments – You now can conduct asafetyaudit or assessment electronically and include photos. Nolonger doyou need to go back to your office to finish your reportafterspending the day at your location. Your entire assessment canbedone electronically, include comments to assist those whoreviewyour findings. Once again this process is also server basedmeaningall information will be downloaded to your web portal so youcanrun trending reports. Trend your top 10 safety issues, trendsafetyperformance of specific job sites or locations, you can eventrendreports of your supervisors, superintendents or auditors.Providemanagement with instant trending reports of your team’ssafetyperformance.“Branding” / Customization – Customize the APP for youroperation.Once you have purchased the APP you can “Brand” this asyour own.Your logo will appear on the APP and web portal. This isyoursafety APP. Can your competition produce a Safety APP?Howimpressed will your customers be when you show them this toolthatis yours?Customize you Client Library – You have full control overyourlibrary, upload documents; MSWord, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel,videos,photos, etc. Place your material where it is easy for all tofindand access it from anywhere in the world. You will have fullaccessto all documents from you smart phone or tablet.Cloud Based – Your APP and Webserver are housed in a highsecuritycloud facility located in downtown Atlanta. Thisfacilityguarantees 24/7 access and provides unprecedented securityfor yourinformation. In addition this server will save you money asitssize is unlimited. No need to spend your hard earned moneyoninternal configurations that will become obsolete in a coupleofyears and take up valuable space at your facility.Additional Features – You can also issue safety warningsandcitations (including photos) to responsible parties as part ofyourcorrective action program. Get email notifications whenemployeestraining becomes due, in fact 90 days before it is due.This wayyou can avoid lapses which may lead to potential finesandpenalties.Remember, we have free training with a live person to stepyouthrough this process and help you and your teamsbecomesuccessful.
Mickey Wilson &Associates,Inc 1.1
Mickey Wilson & Associates APPToday’s busy professional must make valuable use of bothoflimited resources and time. In today’s fast paced world it istooimportant to stay on top of your projects, not to mentiontheexposure to regulatory interference that is every present atourwork environments.Let Mickey Wilson & Associates APP assist you with yourbusyschedule and reduce your costs and potential regulatory burden,noneed to continue:•Writing reports in the office…•Transferring photos to a computer…•OSHA fines for lack of documentation…•Fuel and time to deliver reports and documents…•Searching for documents and previous reports…•Manually entering reports and data into your serverThe Mickey Wilson & Associates App will allow you to useyouriPad, iPhone Device to:Conduct Accident investigations – Complete your accidentsformswhile at the job site and upload relevant photos supportingyourfindings. By automatically downloading this to yourproprietaryserver your OSHA logs will be generated for youinstantly. You canalso trend your accident data to focus on problemareas within yourorganization, or generate reports for seniormanagement.Accident Alerts – You can create your own distribution list sowhenan accident report is submitted by one of your team anywhere intheworld all persons in your organization will be alerted. Thiscanhelp site and location teams correct potential issues andavoidregulatory interference before it occurs.Conduct Safety Audits and Assessments – You now can conduct asafetyaudit or assessment electronically and include photos. Nolonger doyou need to go back to your office to finish your reportafterspending the day at your location. Your entire assessment canbedone electronically, include comments to assist those whoreviewyour findings. Once again this process is also server basedmeaningall information will be downloaded to your web portal so youcanrun trending reports. Trend your top 10 safety issues, trendsafetyperformance of specific job sites or locations, you can eventrendreports of your supervisors, superintendents or auditors.Providemanagement with instant trending reports of your team’ssafetyperformance.“Branding” / Customization – Customize the APP for youroperation.Once you have purchased the APP you can “Brand” this asyour own.Your logo will appear on the APP and web portal. This isyoursafety APP. Can your competition produce a Safety APP?Howimpressed will your customers be when you show them this toolthatis yours?Customize you Client Library – You have full control overyourlibrary, upload documents; MS Word, MS PowerPoint, MSExcel,videos, photos, etc. Place your material where it is easy forallto find and access it from anywhere in the world. You willhavefull access to all documents from you smart phone ortablet.Cloud Based – Your APP and Web server are housed in a highsecuritycloud facility located in downtown Atlanta. Thisfacilityguarantees 24/7 access and provides unprecedented securityfor yourinformation. In addition this server will save you money asitssize is unlimited. No need to spend your hard earned moneyoninternal configurations that will become obsolete in a coupleofyears and take up valuable space at your facility.Additional Features – You can also issue safety warningsandcitations (including photos) to responsible parties as part ofyourcorrective action program. Get email notifications whenemployeestraining becomes due, in fact 90 days before it is due.This wayyou can avoid lapses which may lead to potential finesandpenalties.Remember, we have free training with a live person to stepyouthrough this process and help you and your teamsbecomesuccessful.
Pattillio Construction 1.2
Pattillo Construction APPToday’s busy professional must make valuable use of both oflimitedresources and time. In today’s fast paced world it is tooimportantto stay on top of your projects, not to mention theexposure toregulatory interference that is every present at ourworkenvironments.Let Pattillo Construction APP assist you with your busy scheduleandreduce your costs and potential regulatory burden, no needtocontinue:•Writing reports in the office…•Transferring photos to a computer…•OSHA fines for lack of documentation…•Fuel and time to deliver reports and documents…•Searching for documents and previous reports…•Manually entering reports and data into your serverThe Pattillo Construction App will allow you to use youriPad,iPhone Device to:Conduct Accident investigations – Complete your accidentsformswhile at the job site and upload relevant photos supportingyourfindings. By automatically downloading this to yourproprietaryserver your OSHA logs will be generated for youinstantly. You canalso trend your accident data to focus on problemareas within yourorganization, or generate reports for seniormanagement.Accident Alerts – You can create your own distribution list sowhenan accident report is submitted by one of your team anywhere intheworld all persons in your organization will be alerted. Thiscanhelp site and location teams correct potential issues andavoidregulatory interference before it occurs.Conduct Safety Audits and Assessments – You now can conduct asafetyaudit or assessment electronically and include photos. Nolonger doyou need to go back to your office to finish your reportafterspending the day at your location. Your entire assessment canbedone electronically, include comments to assist those whoreviewyour findings. Once again this process is also server basedmeaningall information will be downloaded to your web portal so youcanrun trending reports. Trend your top 10 safety issues, trendsafetyperformance of specific job sites or locations, you can eventrendreports of your supervisors, superintendents or auditors.Providemanagement with instant trending reports of your team’ssafetyperformance.“Branding” / Customization – Customize the APP for youroperation.Once you have purchased the APP you can “Brand” this asyour own.Your logo will appear on the APP and web portal. This isyoursafety APP. Can your competition produce a Safety APP?Howimpressed will your customers be when you show them this toolthatis yours?Customize you Client Library – You have full control overyourlibrary, upload documents; MSWord, MS PowerPoint, MS Excel,videos,photos, etc. Place your material where it is easy for all tofindand access it from anywhere in the world. You will have fullaccessto all documents from you smart phone or tablet.Cloud Based – Your APP and Webserver are housed in a highsecuritycloud facility located in downtown Atlanta. Thisfacilityguarantees 24/7 access and provides unprecedented securityfor yourinformation. In addition this server will save you money asitssize is unlimited. No need to spend your hard earned moneyoninternal configurations that will become obsolete in a coupleofyears and take up valuable space at your facility.Additional Features – You can also issue safety warningsandcitations (including photos) to responsible parties as part ofyourcorrective action program. Get email notifications whenemployeestraining becomes due, in fact 90 days before it is due.This wayyou can avoid lapses which may lead to potential finesandpenalties.Remember, we have free training with a live person to stepyouthrough this process and help you and your teamsbecomesuccessful.
Xpert Design & Construction, LLC Safety App 2.0
Xpert Design & Construction, LLC Safety App Today’sbusyprofessional must make valuable use of both of limitedresourcesand time. In today’s fast paced world it is too importantto stayon top of your projects, not to mention the exposure toregulatoryinterference that is every present at our workenvironments. LetRisk Management Partners (RMP) Safety Program APPassist you withyour busy schedule and reduce your costs andpotential regulatoryburden, no need to continue: • Writing reportsin the office… •Transferring photos to a computer… • OSHA fines forlack ofdocumentation… • Fuel and time to deliver reports anddocuments… •Searching for documents and previous reports… •Manually enteringreports and data into your server The Xpert Design&Construction App will allow you to use your IPad, IPhone,Droid orMicrosoft Device to: Conduct Accident investigations –Completeyour accidents forms while at the job site and uploadrelevantphotos supporting your findings. By automaticallydownloading thisto your proprietary server your OSHA logs will begenerated for youinstantly. You can also trend your accident datato focus onproblem areas within your organization, or generatereports forsenior management. Accident Alerts – You can create yourowndistribution list so when an accident report is submitted by oneofyour team anywhere in the world all persons in yourorganizationwill be alerted. This can help site and location teamscorrectpotential issues and avoid regulatory interference beforeitoccurs. Conduct Safety Audits and Assessments – You now canconducta safety audit or assessment electronically and includephotos. Nolonger do you need to go back to your office to finishyour reportafter spending the day at your location. Your entireassessment canbe done electronically, include comments to assistthose who reviewyour findings. Once again this process is alsoserver based meaningall information will be downloaded to your webportal so you canrun trending reports. Trend your top 10 safetyissues, trend safetyperformance of specific job sites or locations,you can even trendreports of your supervisors, superintendents orauditors. Providemanagement with instant trending reports of yourteam’s safetyperformance. “Branding” / Customization – Customizethe APP foryour operation. Once you have purchased the APP you can“Brand”this as your own. Your logo will appear on the APP and webportal.This is your safety APP. Can your competition produce aSafety APP?How impressed will your customers be when you show themthis toolthat is yours? Customize you Client Library – You havefull controlover your library, upload documents; MSWord, MSPowerPoint, MSExcel, videos, photos, etc. Place your material whereit is easyfor all to find and access it from anywhere in the world.You willhave full access to all documents from you smart phone ortablet.Cloud Based – Your APP and Webserver are housed in a highsecuritycloud facility located in downtown Atlanta. Thisfacilityguarantees 24/7 access and provides unprecedented securityfor yourinformation. In addition this server will save you money asitssize is unlimited. No need to spend your hard earned moneyoninternal configurations that will become obsolete in a coupleofyears and take up valuable space at your facility.AdditionalFeatures – You can also issue safety warnings andcitations(including photos) to responsible parties as part ofyourcorrective action program. Get email notifications whenemployeestraining becomes due, in fact 90 days before it is due.This wayyou can avoid lapses which may lead to potential finesandpenalties. Remember, we have free training with a live persontostep you through this process and help you and your teamsbecomesuccessful. For more information or to take a tour of ourprogramsgo to www.rmpresources.com or contact the office at (770)232-1977,ext. 10, 11 or 18.